Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Canada, Costa Rica,Portland and Seattle. Pretty good Month.

Well, it's been a really solid month riding a few different mediums in a few different continents. After leaving my brothers in the powder of Central British Colombia, it was off to San Jose, Costa Rica to get back on the water. Ten days of riding Jim Kilsdonk's Glassy fresh water course, putting the Strada through some early 2010 sets got the season started off right. I was able to put a few different skiers of different levels on our new shape, and everyone was as fired up about Rossi's new shape as I am.
From there it was off to Portland for the Portland Boat Show. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the AWS booth to talk skiing, watch some football and check out our '010 madness. It was a killer weekend unveiling RadaR's latest and greatest to the local rippers.
Then it was off to Seattle to get some of my last days of snowboarding in for the winter. We hit a few days of objectionable conditions, but had an epic day at Crystal with Sully, Whooz (of the the great Huzinator fame...See ronixwake.com and hit up the softgoods for details) and myself. We had fresh turns from first chair til out. I got in 19 days this year so far, but its water from here on out for me.
The rest of the week was spent at the factory doing up some 2011 graphics with Higgy in our art department.
An afternoon of January Lake Sammamish wake surfing and an unreal Sunday of football closed my trip.
Orlando next week, then Australia for some clinics and the Moomba

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